SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳國際傳感器局應用技術展覽會
時間:2024-12-03 15:52:21
展會無憂網2024-12-03 15:52:21展會資訊: SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳國際傳感器局應用技術展覽會
Shenzhen international Sensor Technology Expo 2025
時間:2025年3月31-4月2日 March 31- April 2,2025 地點:深圳會展中心(福田)Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (Futian)
展示面積 15000平方米 專業觀眾 20000+ 參展商 600+
Recent years, with the joint efforts of government, industry, academia research and users, China's sensor industry has entered a stage of rapid development. At the same time, sensor industry is also facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges in this new market environment.
Sensor Shenzhen is striving to promote the new development of the industry by building afor ward-looking, authoritative and leading platform, so as to bring endless vitality to the whole industry.
國內參展商Domestic exhibitors::
國外參展商International Exhibitors:
Shell Scheme Booth:USD 3,000/9 SQM
Space Only:USD 300/SQM (Min.18sqm)
展品范圍Exhibition Range:
各類傳感器及相關產品:運動傳感器、聲學傳感器、壓力傳感器、紅外傳感器、氣體傳感器、圖像傳感器、光學傳感器、射頻類傳感器、生物傳感器、溫濕 度傳感器、磁傳感器、其他;Aslc、控制、通信、軟件、邊緣計算、算法、通訊模組、云計算等
All kinds of sensors and related products: Motion sensor, acoustic sensor, pressure sensor, infrared sensor, gas sensor, image sensor, opticalsensor, RFlDs, biological sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, magnetic sensor, MEMs chip other:Aslc, control, communication, soft- ware, edge computing, algorithms, communication modules, cloud computing, etc
sensor R & D design, manufacturing process and packaging test
傳感器應用:Al0T 技術、傳感器融合、物聯網、智慧家居、生物醫療、汽車電子、智能制造、智能機器人、可穿戴設備、能源與環境、智能安防、智慧 工廠等;
Applications: Al0T technology, sensor integration,l0T, smart home, biomedical, automotive electronics, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent robots, wearable devices, energy and environment, intelligent security, smart factories, etc;
工業控制:Rlsc/ARM 計算平臺、工業存儲、工業無線通信模塊、工業主板、工業顯示器、工業平板電腦、數據采集與控制、網關 / 遠程智能終端、遠程 l/0 模塊、自動化控制器、工業路由器、工業網關、工業以太網交換機等;
lndustrial control: Rlsc/ARM computing platform, industrial storage, wireless communication module, industrial motherboard, industrial display, industrial tablet computer, data acquisition and control, gateway/remote intelligent terminal, remote l/0 module, automation control- ler, industrial router, industrial gateway, industrial Ethernet switch, etc;
測試測量:測試測量服務、測試測量儀器、測試測量工具 , 檢測系統、視覺檢測設備、厚度檢測設備、紅外測試設備等、高端精密機械與設備,分析儀器、 實驗室儀器與設備、電子測試儀器與軟件等;
Testing and measurement: testing and measurement services and instruments,tools; lnspection systems, visual inspection equipment, thick- ness detection equipment, infrared testing equipment, etc; High end precision machinery and equipment, analytical instruments, electronic testing instruments and software, etc;
嵌入式系統:嵌入式操作系統與工具、嵌入式硬件工程技術、McU 與嵌入式處理器、Rlsc-V 與開源硬件、嵌入式 Al、工業計算機及配件、電源與儲能、 功率器件與第三代半導體、高性能連接器、嵌入式與物聯網安全、機器視覺與智能系統、材料與服務等;
Embedded systems: embedded operating systems and tools, embedded hardware engineering technology, McU and embedded processors, Rlsc-V and open-source hardware, embedded Al, industrial computers and accessories, power and energy storage, power devices and third-generation semiconductors, connectors, loT security, machine vision and intelligent systems, materials and services, etc;
sensor shenzhen 2024 0verview
2024深圳國際傳感器與應用技術展覽會, 于4月14-16日在深圳會展中心(福田)盛大舉行!作為傳感器產業鏈的 盛大集會,本屆sensorshenzhen聚集100余位國際傳感巨頭核心人物,1000余位國內傳感器企業負責人,超 600家全球傳感器產業鏈企業集體亮相,20+個重點技術展區,20+場專業技術應用論壇,集中呈現感知領域發 展新動能,新業態,吸引專業觀眾超11000位。
The 2024 shenzhen lnternational sensor and Application Technology Exhibition has been held grandly from April 14th to 16th at the shenzhen convention and Exhibition center (Futian)! As a grand gathering of the sensor industry chain, this year's sensor shenzhen has gathered more than 100 core ?gures from interna- tional sensor giants, more than 1,000 heads of domestic sensor enterprises, and over 600 global sensor industry chain enterprises to make collective appearances. There are 20+key technology exhibition areas and 20+professional technology application forums, showcasing new driving forces and business formats in the ?eld of perception, attracting over 11000 professional visitors.
作為感知領域合作交流的窗口,深圳國際傳感器與應用技術展覽會國際化的水準,呈現傳感器前沿動態,為產 業升級貢獻發展力量,獲得了展商、觀眾及眾多與會嘉賓的高度評價。未來,我們將以此為目標,持續呈現產 業前瞻性、權威性、引領性觀點,為全球感知領域貢獻新信號、新力量。
As a window for cooperation and exchange in the ?eld of perception, the shenzhen lnternational sensor and Application Technology Exhibition has reached an international level, showcasing cutting-edge develop- ments in sensors and contributing to industrial upgrading. lt has received high praise from exhibitors, visitors, and numerous attending guests. ln the future, we will take this as our goal and continue to present forward-looking,authoritative, and leading perspectives in the industry, contributing new signals and forces to the global perception ?eld.
觀眾總人數 / visitors
觀眾總人數(不計反復到會)/ visitors Total:11872人
包含 / lncluding:
中國大陸 / Domestic:11149人
港澳臺及海外 / 0verseas:
國內觀眾來源分析 / Domestic visitors:723人
區域 / Area,人數 / visitors,占比 / RATl0
華中地區 / central china,1674,15%
華北地區 / North china,705,6.3%
華東地區 / East china ,2671,24%
華南地區 / south china,5283,47.3%
西北地區 / North-west china,357,3.2%
東北地區 / North-East china,228,2.1%
西南地區 / south-west china,231,2.1%
觀眾主要職能 / visitors by Job Function
技術研發 / Technology Development36.18%
管理 / Management22.47%
采購 / sourcing20.89%
市場銷售 / Marketing & sales8.71%
行業咨詢 / lndustry consulting4.02%
投資分析 / lnvestment & Analysis2.31%
政府機構 / Government & 0rganization1.64%
人力資源 / HR0.97%
其他 / 0thers2.80%
(expo發布by huaya2021,查看huaya2021的全部文章)
Shenzhen international Sensor Technology Expo 2025
時間:2025年3月31-4月2日 March 31- April 2,2025 地點:深圳會展中心(福田)Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (Futian)
展示面積 15000平方米 專業觀眾 20000+ 參展商 600+
Recent years, with the joint efforts of government, industry, academia research and users, China's sensor industry has entered a stage of rapid development. At the same time, sensor industry is also facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges in this new market environment.
Sensor Shenzhen is striving to promote the new development of the industry by building afor ward-looking, authoritative and leading platform, so as to bring endless vitality to the whole industry.
國內參展商Domestic exhibitors::
國外參展商International Exhibitors:
Shell Scheme Booth:USD 3,000/9 SQM
Space Only:USD 300/SQM (Min.18sqm)
展品范圍Exhibition Range:
各類傳感器及相關產品:運動傳感器、聲學傳感器、壓力傳感器、紅外傳感器、氣體傳感器、圖像傳感器、光學傳感器、射頻類傳感器、生物傳感器、溫濕 度傳感器、磁傳感器、其他;Aslc、控制、通信、軟件、邊緣計算、算法、通訊模組、云計算等
All kinds of sensors and related products: Motion sensor, acoustic sensor, pressure sensor, infrared sensor, gas sensor, image sensor, opticalsensor, RFlDs, biological sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, magnetic sensor, MEMs chip other:Aslc, control, communication, soft- ware, edge computing, algorithms, communication modules, cloud computing, etc
sensor R & D design, manufacturing process and packaging test
傳感器應用:Al0T 技術、傳感器融合、物聯網、智慧家居、生物醫療、汽車電子、智能制造、智能機器人、可穿戴設備、能源與環境、智能安防、智慧 工廠等;
Applications: Al0T technology, sensor integration,l0T, smart home, biomedical, automotive electronics, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent robots, wearable devices, energy and environment, intelligent security, smart factories, etc;
工業控制:Rlsc/ARM 計算平臺、工業存儲、工業無線通信模塊、工業主板、工業顯示器、工業平板電腦、數據采集與控制、網關 / 遠程智能終端、遠程 l/0 模塊、自動化控制器、工業路由器、工業網關、工業以太網交換機等;
lndustrial control: Rlsc/ARM computing platform, industrial storage, wireless communication module, industrial motherboard, industrial display, industrial tablet computer, data acquisition and control, gateway/remote intelligent terminal, remote l/0 module, automation control- ler, industrial router, industrial gateway, industrial Ethernet switch, etc;
測試測量:測試測量服務、測試測量儀器、測試測量工具 , 檢測系統、視覺檢測設備、厚度檢測設備、紅外測試設備等、高端精密機械與設備,分析儀器、 實驗室儀器與設備、電子測試儀器與軟件等;
Testing and measurement: testing and measurement services and instruments,tools; lnspection systems, visual inspection equipment, thick- ness detection equipment, infrared testing equipment, etc; High end precision machinery and equipment, analytical instruments, electronic testing instruments and software, etc;
嵌入式系統:嵌入式操作系統與工具、嵌入式硬件工程技術、McU 與嵌入式處理器、Rlsc-V 與開源硬件、嵌入式 Al、工業計算機及配件、電源與儲能、 功率器件與第三代半導體、高性能連接器、嵌入式與物聯網安全、機器視覺與智能系統、材料與服務等;
Embedded systems: embedded operating systems and tools, embedded hardware engineering technology, McU and embedded processors, Rlsc-V and open-source hardware, embedded Al, industrial computers and accessories, power and energy storage, power devices and third-generation semiconductors, connectors, loT security, machine vision and intelligent systems, materials and services, etc;
sensor shenzhen 2024 0verview
2024深圳國際傳感器與應用技術展覽會, 于4月14-16日在深圳會展中心(福田)盛大舉行!作為傳感器產業鏈的 盛大集會,本屆sensorshenzhen聚集100余位國際傳感巨頭核心人物,1000余位國內傳感器企業負責人,超 600家全球傳感器產業鏈企業集體亮相,20+個重點技術展區,20+場專業技術應用論壇,集中呈現感知領域發 展新動能,新業態,吸引專業觀眾超11000位。
The 2024 shenzhen lnternational sensor and Application Technology Exhibition has been held grandly from April 14th to 16th at the shenzhen convention and Exhibition center (Futian)! As a grand gathering of the sensor industry chain, this year's sensor shenzhen has gathered more than 100 core ?gures from interna- tional sensor giants, more than 1,000 heads of domestic sensor enterprises, and over 600 global sensor industry chain enterprises to make collective appearances. There are 20+key technology exhibition areas and 20+professional technology application forums, showcasing new driving forces and business formats in the ?eld of perception, attracting over 11000 professional visitors.
作為感知領域合作交流的窗口,深圳國際傳感器與應用技術展覽會國際化的水準,呈現傳感器前沿動態,為產 業升級貢獻發展力量,獲得了展商、觀眾及眾多與會嘉賓的高度評價。未來,我們將以此為目標,持續呈現產 業前瞻性、權威性、引領性觀點,為全球感知領域貢獻新信號、新力量。
As a window for cooperation and exchange in the ?eld of perception, the shenzhen lnternational sensor and Application Technology Exhibition has reached an international level, showcasing cutting-edge develop- ments in sensors and contributing to industrial upgrading. lt has received high praise from exhibitors, visitors, and numerous attending guests. ln the future, we will take this as our goal and continue to present forward-looking,authoritative, and leading perspectives in the industry, contributing new signals and forces to the global perception ?eld.
觀眾總人數 / visitors
觀眾總人數(不計反復到會)/ visitors Total:11872人
包含 / lncluding:
中國大陸 / Domestic:11149人
港澳臺及海外 / 0verseas:
國內觀眾來源分析 / Domestic visitors:723人
區域 / Area,人數 / visitors,占比 / RATl0
華中地區 / central china,1674,15%
華北地區 / North china,705,6.3%
華東地區 / East china ,2671,24%
華南地區 / south china,5283,47.3%
西北地區 / North-west china,357,3.2%
東北地區 / North-East china,228,2.1%
西南地區 / south-west china,231,2.1%
觀眾主要職能 / visitors by Job Function
技術研發 / Technology Development36.18%
管理 / Management22.47%
采購 / sourcing20.89%
市場銷售 / Marketing & sales8.71%
行業咨詢 / lndustry consulting4.02%
投資分析 / lnvestment & Analysis2.31%
政府機構 / Government & 0rganization1.64%
人力資源 / HR0.97%
其他 / 0thers2.80%
(expo發布by huaya2021,查看huaya2021的全部文章)